October 14, 2008

cOlOrInG PuMpKiNs

I decided to let Daxton and Mason color some pumpkins. As you can see Daxton had fun coloring himself too, o well a little marker never hurt a little boy before:) and he definitley is ALL BOY!!!!

This is just what Daxton does when you tell him to show his teeth. I want him to smile but either way I guess he is showing me his teeth haha.


Charee B Mcclellan said...

cute ideas! coloring pumpkins and skin!! haha what fun kids

Kjerstin said...

I love this, you are so cute. Pumpkins are so fun! And smiling with his teeth is very cute!

Joni said...

You are way brave. It took me until a couple of months to get out the markers even with Marcus. I am, however starting a little early for Ty. :0)! You are such a good mom!