September 20, 2009

Family Pics

I may be biased but......I have the darn cutest

kids in the world...and I have a pretty hott husband!! See for yourself :)


everyone check her out


Joni said...

I am way impressed she did a great job, but you know that it has a whole lot to do with your cute family!

jhjonze said...

Those are beautiful.

Terrin said...

oh how cute! i love them shanna!

Eric and Andrea Budd said...

You sexy lady. You're right, you have a pretty cute freakin family. Good job. Love you :)

laci said...

Way cute Shan! Love them all! Is she pretty reasonably priced?

Julie said...

Great photos! You REALLY do have a good looking family. Darling kiddos! Loved seeing these, thanks for sharing :)

Tyson and Tahnee said...

I love your pictures.. Your kids are the cutest kids ever. Lets just hope mine will come out just as cute.

One Happy Heart Family said...

Love the pics you guys are such a cute family! I'm gonna have to call her she does such a good job, we still haven't had a family pics since Ky bug was born.

Chalet said...

Update your blog already!!! Haha Teasing. I am looking for the scoop on the JJ Cole Sale. Is it all that it is cracked up to early do I have to be there if I even stand a chance of something good...any info/advice would be helpful!