September 08, 2009

no more internet :(

its sad! but true. As of tomorrow we will no longer have the internet. I will set my blog to private but if I am able to post anything i will make it open again. I dont know what I will do during nap time but maybe I could clean or something Ha!


The Perry Family said...

LOSER!! Now no one will comment on my blog.HAHA. Lets play this week!

Ryan and Kaeli said...

Why no internet?? Thats a bummer Shan!

Whitney Hale said...

I agree w/trisha 100%!! maybe you could nap during nap time silly!! who cleans their house?? j/k! Dont get rid of your cell too! i gotta keep in touch w/you somehow!! :)

Charee B Mcclellan said...

ohhh i am sorry to hear about this...hope that you get through the winter without it. SO HARD! i don't know what i did before without it! love ya and you looked GREAT the other day at walmart!

Julie said...

NOOOOO! I will miss sneak peaks on your life.

jhjonze said...

Well you should add me to your list.