April 30, 2009

LiTTle BirDIe

My sister jENN made this cute little spring bird for me
and I love it. If you want one let me know and I will
give you all the details!


laci said...

That is stinking cute. If I were going to have a normal house this summer, I'd say order me one. However that is not the case...

Jena said...

ok that is so stinkin cute! Please please tell me how to do this!

Jess said...

Tell her I will buy one! I am not crafty enough to make my own.

jake, laur, kaden and chase. said...

That is adorable!! :] Lucky! And yes, can we please play lots when I am left by my lonesome most the time?!! He is already starting to get busy..he doesn't get home till ten or eleven at night now. So im always free. Love you and I am also excited for tonight!! ;]

Anonymous said...

I want one. Or at least the details.