May 29, 2009

...JuSt caUse...

shE is so AdOrAblE
Hope you ALL havE a GooD wEEkeND!


One Happy Heart Family said...

So CUTE!!!! I love the leggings under skirts. GIRLS ARE SO FUN!!!!!! Love the outfit. You have a great weekend tool :)

The Krebs said...

She looks so cute! I can't wait to see her. I swear she's not growing. She still looks so little to me. I love the pink & green together. Love ya!

Taiya Brown said...

Oh my gosh those leggins look SO adorable and I love the huge flower! She's so stinkin cute!

James, Ash + Haddi said...

oh Shan! She is so cute!! and getting so big so fast!! We need to play!!! and really soon!! Please call/text me!!! love you

Brienne Alder said...

Ok where in the crap did you get her outfit with the cute leggings? I want to go out and get it right now. How cute is she.

jhjonze said...

That is such a cute little outfit!